About Me

Hi Everyone,
I'm Becky Homecy.  I chose this name because when I was in college it was the name for anyone majoring in Home Economics.  I know the name is different now.  In my state, it's called Family and Consumer Sciences.  OK, so I'm .....old!  Here's the thing...I have lots of experience and knowledge.  My children, their friends, spouses and my students have asked me lots of questions.  Two things I have learned from them is one, everybody didn't take Home Ec. in school and two a lot of people did not grow up learning "household" skills.  I want to start by talking about cooking, specifically the language of cooking but as anyone who took Home Ec. in school knows, it covers more than food.  Simply put it covers food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, child and family development and personal development.  There are lots of ways to spin these basic areas.

Well, this thing says about me.  Here goes.....married for 37 years, two children both married, BS in Home Economics and MEd. in Home Economics Education.  I've taught middle school, high school and technical college.  I've taught in all of the above areas and been over a school district nutrition (lunchroom) program, worked as a Nutrition Specialist for Head Start, teach ServSafe (kitchen sanitation) classes and the list goes on.  To put it simply, I feel qualified!